As our veterans age, it becomes ever more crucial to ensure that they receive the care and support they deserve. Veteran’s care is a fundamental aspect of honoring these individuals’ service and dedication. From medical provision to mental health services, compassionate and high-quality care is essential for their well-being.
Empowerment in Choosing Where to Age
Empowering veterans to choose where they age—in their own homes or in specialized facilities—is vital for their comfort and security. Having the autonomy to make this decision can have a significant positive impact on their mental and emotional health. By allowing veterans to select where they age, we honor their service and grant them the dignity and independence they deserve.
Empowerment in Choosing How They Age
Empowering veterans to choose how they age is equally important. From healthcare decisions to daily routines, giving veterans control over their aging experiences can improve their quality of life and sense of well-being. By respecting their choices and preferences, we show our appreciation for their sacrifices and commitment to serving our nation. Veterans’ care providers play a central role in facilitating these choices, ensuring that veterans receive personalized care tailored to their individual needs.
The Impact of Choosing the Right Provider
Choosing the right veteran’s care provider can make a world of difference in the quality of care received. Important factors in this choice include experience and specialization in veteran’s care. A well-qualified veterans’ care provider understands the unique needs of aging veterans and offers tailored services to meet those needs. For more information on selecting the right provider and making the most of your benefits, explore our advice.
Benefits of Aging at Home
Aging in their own homes offers a multitude of benefits for veterans, substantially enhancing the quality of life for many. The comfort and familiarity of home provide a sense of peace and stability, boosting emotional well-being. This is important for everyone, but especially for veterans, many of whom have faced significant stress and trauma. With the right help, such as home healthcare and changes to their living spaces, veterans can continue to live safely and comfortably in the homes they love.
Why Choose East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging (EAAAA)?
EAAAA provides specialized services for aging veterans, ensuring that they receive the support they need and making their aging experience more positive. From assistance with daily activities to healthcare coordination, EAAAA’s services are designed to meet the unique needs of veterans and empower them to age with independence and dignity. Choosing EAAAA as your veterans’ care provider ensures comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to veteran needs.

Older Veterans’ Care Programs
VA Programs Overview
- Two VA programs provide certain older veterans with additional financial support if they are eligible for or receiving a VA pension benefit: Aid and Attendance or Housebound.
Aid and Attendance (A&A)
A&A is a monthly pension supplement for those who meet the following criteria:
- Requires help performing daily tasks such as bathing, eating, or dressing.
- Is bedridden.
- Is a patient in a nursing home.
- Has a corrected visual acuity of 5/200 or less in both eyes or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.
Housebound is a monthly pension supplement for those who are substantially confined to their immediate premises because of a permanent disability.
Caregiver Support
Those who provide care to veterans are often eligible for special considerations. Such caregivers perform various vital roles, including:
1. Emotionally and physically supporting the veteran’s overall well-being and recovery from any injuries or illnesses.
2. Managing care for disabling wounds, injuries, or illnesses. This includes helping with daily tasks, facilitating medical care, and ensuring the veteran’s comfort.
3. Acting as an advocate to ensure that the veteran receives the proper treatment and care. This includes engaging with healthcare providers, navigating the healthcare system, and representing the veteran’s needs and rights.
These responsibilities highlight the comprehensive support system caregivers offer to veterans and the critical part they play in the care and rehabilitation process.
Qualifying Veterans for Services
- Care Coordination: Our team can assist you with applying for VA benefits and navigating the assessment and setup process. Information and Assistance specialists will determine whether Veterans’ Assistance will support the provision of services through EAAAA.
- Local resources: If you are not able to use EAAAA services, we can help you find the resources and services for which you are eligible in your area.
What You Need to Know
- Veterans may have access to special benefits to cover their care expenses.
- Veterans’ Assistance may help provide for services through our agency, such as in-home care.
- EAAAA can help in discovering, applying for, and coordinating any services you may need.
Veterans’ Care with EAAAA
Our mission is to connect seniors, caregivers, people with disabilities, and other diverse communities in Northeast Arkansas with resources and professional and personalized services. We aim to enrich the lives of everyone in our community and enable independence and dignity in aging. Empowering veterans to make their own choices in their aging journeys is crucial for their well-being and quality of life. Veterans’ care services, along with the support of organizations like EAAAA, play a central role in enhancing the aging experience for our veterans. By providing them with the care, support, and autonomy they deserve, we can ensure that they age with independence and quality care.
Visit Home Care for Veterans for more information on veteran care and to explore the services offered by EAAAA.