COVID-19 Vaccine Information
For seniors who live independently in their own homes, the East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging is your trusted resource for COVID-19 updates.
We also assist seniors and caregivers with life-changing services, including help with Medicare and the COVID-19 Vaccine, helping individuals live independently and safely for as long as possible.
Our goal is to provide you with reliable information so you can make the choice that fits your needs.

COVID-19 Tips for Caregivers
Keep yourself and those you care for safe.
The novel coronavirus has had an impact on us all in some way. But for caregivers, COVID-19 has made the job especially challenging. The following tips can help you, and those you care for stay safe.
Prevent COVID-19
The best way to protect yourself and those you care for against COVID-19 is to avoid exposure and get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Practice these prevention methods:
- Wear a face mask when you expect to be in a crowded inside space for an extended period of time.
- When you don't have a mask, avoid crowds and spaces that lack fresh air.
- Wash your hands frequently. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
- Cover your cough or sneeze.
- Regularly clean high-touch objects and surfaces
Distance but don't isolate.
- If you are concerned about going out in public, have medicine and groceries delivered, when possible.
- If a care or service provider needs to come into the home, you can request for everyone to wear a mask.

Make a plan just in case.
- Plan ahead to make sure you have enough medications or access to medication delivery, in case you and those you care for get COVID-19.
- Make a plan for what you will do if you or the person you care for becomes ill with COVID-19. These should be two separate plans.
- Ask a friend or family member if they can take on the care giving if you get ill.
- Make a list of health conditions, medications, healthcare and insurance providers, and advance directives. Include information for both you and the person you care for.
- For help creating a plan, visit www.cdc.gov/aging/develop-care-plan.html
Take care of yourself too.
- Try to get enough sleep, exercise and nutrition. This will help you feel better and support your immune system.
- If you feel overwhelmed or have a mental health issue for which you need support, contact a health professional.
- For emotional support, as well as ideas and information about local resources and services, join an online support group.
- To learn more about family-caregiver support services available in your community, contact Eldercare Locator at (800) 677-1116 or www.eldercare.acl.gov.

To keep up with the latest information on COVID-19 visit www.cdc.gov.
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